In addition meta tags is also used by social sharing site like Facebook, Instagram, Google etc to fetch relevant data while posting at their respective site.
For PRO blogger store owners, these meta tags comes pre-installed & equipped with fallback handling. The meta tags have been tested & fully functioning which also covers some dynamic inserts if however a Blogger store owner have forgotten to customize individually at Blog posts or Product Posts.
Find below some meta tags customization features.
Meta Tags Editing
To edit default image fetched by search engines if however can not be found one at your blogger pages find below codes:- <meta content='' property='some_og_property' rel='some_rel'/>
Edit the new URL to you uploaded image at the highlighted yellow codes.
If blogger store owners owned a Facebook apps ID & registered as Fb Admins with Facebook Developers, insert the datas here:-
<meta content='1490997184493796' property='fb:app_id'/> <meta content='' property='fb:admins'/>
Replace highlighted yellow with an Fb Apps ID. Replace highlighted cyan to URL of your profile page. Registration as Fb Developers is free & there are many easy tutorials you can find on the web. We even have a tutorial (with illustrations) for our Facebook inspired Blogger store theme.
Here is a great easy step by step tutorial on how to create a Facebook App ID with illustrations included:
IOS & ANDROID Apps Icon Image
In PRO theme, the codes to insert mobile Apps icons has been pre-installed. Users only require to change the URL to your uploaded icon images. Below are the icon image sizes required:-- 215px x 215px - Used for IOS
- 192px x 192px - Used for newer Android devices.
- 180px x 180px - Used for IOS
- 152px x 152px - Used for IOS
- 128px x 128px - Used for older Android devices.
- 120px x 120px - Used for IOS devices.
- 76px x 76px - Used for IOS devices.
Below is an example for the link tags to include the mobile apps icons:-
<!-- IOS and ANDROID APPS ICON IMAGES --> <link href='' rel='apple-touch-icon' sizes='76x76'/>
Replace highlighted yellow to the preferred size required highlighted in cyan.
Google plus Authorship Link Tags
Although quite isolated in use, we highly recommend linking to your Google+ profile pages by using the tags below & inserting your store details at your profile. This way helps build up your blogger store credentials & might help your store out with the many free features offered by Google for small business owners.Find below the link tags to customize:-
<!-- GOOGLEPLUS --> <link href='//' rel='author'/> <link href='//' rel='publisher'/>
Edit the URl to your Google+ profile page in highlighted yellow. Edt the URL to your Google+ business page at highlighted cyan. These pages are absolutely free to use & managed by Google team.
Facebook Apps ID for Custom Fb Applications
If registered as Facebook Developers, users can use the many features Facebook offers like custom Like button, custom Share buttons, website insights, Facebook comments & more.Customize below codes to insert your Fb Apps ID:-
window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '1607820486147572', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.3' }); };
Insert your Fb Apps ID at highlighted yellow.
Currently this demo is using Intense Debate commenting system. By default Blogger comment system is activated.